Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Brotherly Love

Me: Hey Sam...Why do you love Izzy?

Sam: I don't know. I just do.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Just Call Me Mrs. Craf-tee

Disclaimer #1: I am not an arts-n-crafts person by trade.

Disclaimer #2: I had no idea what I was doing when I first decided to delve into this project. Having said that, the project wasn't as difficult as I presumed it to be.

Disclaimer #3: While the idea for this project originally began with the guru, Mrs. Stewart, it was my idea to use them as decorations for Thanksgiving. The guru actually demonstrated how to do this little project for Halloween and since I was way late on that one, I opted for Thanksgiving. I am a genius. I know.

Alas, my art project......





Here's what I learned.....

1. I am capable fo doing arts-n-crafts projects
2. Using glitter for anything at all sucks.big.time.

Regardless, I like my "sparkly" pumkins.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Caught Red-Handed

Below is an example of what happens when you leave your (almost) two-year-old daughter within reach of a stamp pad.......

Cute, right?


The Newest Player on the 49er Roster

We signed up Mr. Big Stuff to play flag football with his buddies. He's with a bunch of classmates and they have no idea what they are doing but they do enjoy ripping flags off of one another. During practice on Sunday, they received their jersey and eqipment. Someone I know was excited:

Sleeping Jedi

Pretty often, we have a jedi warrior who sneaks out of his room and does mischiveous things. This is how we found our little jedi in our bed after his latest nocturnal battle:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween 2010-The Grand Finale

This year, we wrapped up our Halloween shenanigans with the Feehan, Peluso, and Reidel crew. Our evening began at 4pm with a spectacular meal of ghost and goblin pasta. We convinced the kids to eat everything on their plate by bribing them with the Halloween candy they had yet to receive. It was a stroke of genius on my part (if I do say so myself).


Post dinner. Pre trick-or-treating:

Our family photo attempt...25% eye contact is better than nothing....

Dorothy on her way to get some treats....

Below is evidence of how the adults in our neighborhood go trick-or-treating-with a Corona in hand and a big smile:

The offspring enjoying some Halloween loot:

Le Halloween Pumkins...

Halloween 2010-Izzy Throws Her Own Halloween Bash

She may be approaching the tender age of two but Izzy sure knows how to party. She even dressed up as Dorothy for the event. Her favorite piece from the ensemble: her ruby red shoes. If it were up to her, she'd wear them every day...

Below are pics of our little cutie.....

Halloween 2010-The Parade and School Party

Sam's school does a really great job of making Halloween a special event. Every year, the school puts on a parade in the community and everyone comes out to see them. And by "everyone," I mean the entire town. It was awesome. Since this was going to be an awesome event, I decided to be the involved and supportive parent that I am so I ditched work that day and joined the fun. Below are some shots of the parade led by our local fire department as well as the "after party" with his classmates.

I think I officially love Halloween.

Halloween 2010-The Pumpkin Patch Visits

Early in October before the heat spell hit, I took the kids to our local pumkin patch. Big Ben was with us that day and the boys had a blast together:

Izzy, however, was irritated:

despite the initial irritation, things made a turn for the better as evidenced below:

Since one visit to the patch wasn't enough, Sam also went with his fellow classmates over to Peter's Pumpkin Patch. It was about 105 degrees in the middle of nowhere but the kids had a blast....

En route to said heat-filled pumpkin patch with classmates:

The Golden Monkeys:

Searching for the best pumkin.....

Sam and his buddies, Charlie and Ainsworth....

Saturday, October 30, 2010

See!!!! They DO Love Each Other

Below is a series of truly cute pictures....I have decided to title them as follows:

Pillow Talk:

Telling Secrets:

The Sibling Kiss:

Halloween Precursor

Somebody is ready to put out some fires......


We were REALLY bored teh other day at home so we decided to make our own hopscotch spot. For the record, Sam told me where to put the squares and I, being the "listening" type mother that I am, followed suit. In short, it's Sam's fault that the entire template is all wrong.

Enjoy the scene:

And here's Izzy taking a water break from all of the fun....