Saturday, January 30, 2010

Reasons Why Babies Should Not Be Allowed Into Bathrooms

1. The bathroom contains things that could require a phone call to your local poison control center.
2. While the bathroom is inherently a place where you go to "clean" yourself, it is not necessarily the "cleanest" place.
3. There is a toilet and if you haven't purchased toilet seat locks because you have been busy moving in and you are beyond tired, there will be toilet dipped hands.
4. Older brothers aren't always as accurate as they should be when they visit the bathroom (see #2 above).
5. Random stuff is left in the bathroom from morning beauty routines such as blow dryers, eye liner, lip gloss and mascara. These are a no-no!
6. There are drawers and drawers are fun to open:

I Know It's Been a While

Well, we are all moved in! It's been a very hectic month. During my blogging absence, the following ensued:

1. We held Isabella's birthday party (post to follow)
2. Isabella had her one year check up and she remains a rockstar: 25lbs.; 30.5 in; 95th percentile...See, rock star!
3. We went to the Bay Area Discovery Museum and made gingerbread houses...yummy.
4. We hosted Elan and Rey for a few days and they helped me pack
5. I wore a splint for almost two weeks which means I didn't have to pack (genius) but I did have to unpack (not so genius).
6. We went to LA for Christmas Eve and came back 36 hours later to find that Santa had left gifts at our house. Score!
7. We moved on the 30th of December and it did not rain...the rain came the next day and has yet to stop.
8. Uncle Rob, Alicjia, and Tio B came for New Year's
9. We unpacked the house.
10. I went back to work.

All in all, a very hectic season for the Marsh family. Things, however, are starting to settle down which means I can go back to more important things like sleeping. Below is a view from our bay can see San Francisco in the distance as well as San Quentin and the ferry station:

And below is our view of Mt. Tam with an electric pole for local flavor: