Saturday, October 30, 2010

See!!!! They DO Love Each Other

Below is a series of truly cute pictures....I have decided to title them as follows:

Pillow Talk:

Telling Secrets:

The Sibling Kiss:

Halloween Precursor

Somebody is ready to put out some fires......


We were REALLY bored teh other day at home so we decided to make our own hopscotch spot. For the record, Sam told me where to put the squares and I, being the "listening" type mother that I am, followed suit. In short, it's Sam's fault that the entire template is all wrong.

Enjoy the scene:

And here's Izzy taking a water break from all of the fun....

Mug Shots

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Why Nerf Toys Suck......

...because you find those suction cup dart "thingies" all over your house...

Like here......

And here.....

And over by the fridge....

And back on the ceiling with a friend....

Damn Target toy aisle.....

Our Son, the Inventor

Ever since he started Kindergarten a month ago, our golden monkey is into building things. He enjoys putting scraps of things together to make something. I'm thinking this could turn out really well for him. Here are a few pics of his latest invention:

If you can't figure out what it is, ask the inventor the next time you see him :)

Sunny's Demise

You all remember Sunny, right? Our pride and joy in the back yard? He was full 'o sunshine and looked like this:

And like this:

Well, Sunny changed his look, grew some seeds, and started to slump over in the home Sam made for him. Since his weight gain was too much of a burden, we chopped of his head and now he looks like this.....

And this.....

Sometime this weekend, we'll pull out all of those seeds and roast 'em.

Yum yum.

Hair Frenzy

Despite our belief that Izzy is the cutest girl in the world, there are occasions where she looks like a wild woman. Mostly, it's because of all that hair on her head. Don't believe me?

Cute, right?

And a little wild too.......

Plus, there are almost always several moments like the one I captured below where she looks super cute and then simple decides to act like a wild woman:

I don't even know why I comb her hair sometimes....

Abuelita Turns 92!!!!!

Abuelita and Nana came over a few weeks ago and we celebrated by making her a HUGE cake. Izzy and Sam helped decorate and you can tell that Izzy is a big fan of M&Ms based on her inability to smile at the camera because she is distracted by said candy.....

After some cake and ice cream, these two generations went to task on a serious game of solitaire. I'm not sure who was teaching whom but they managed to figure it all out:

Feliz cumpleanos, Abuelita! Te queremos muchisisimo!

Sleepyhead #2

Not one to be ousted by his little sister, this is how we found Sam after he snuck out of his room the other night....

Evidence that Sam Loves Nature

Below is evidence that Sam will make friends with anything or anyone in sight...just look at how lovingly he admires his new friend, Mr. Praying Mantis:

After he asked me to take these photos, he made his new friend a home, complete with leaves and a water fountain.

Nature specialist, anyone?

Silly Friends

Sam's best buddy in the whole wide world is Ben. Below are a few of their latest antics....

Their best time together, however, is when they attempt to serenade Izzy before she goes to bed. It works like a charm, I tell ya.....

If the Tiara Fits.....

Izzy knows she's a princess...she just doesn't know that a tiara should be made out of diamonds, not lego pieces. Regardless, she looks pretty happy: