Tuesday, June 30, 2009

STILL a Rockstar

Yesterday, I took Izzy to her 6 month check up. She continues to be in wonderful health and is still off the charts. She now weighs 20.1 lbs. and is 28 inches long. We have one healthy baby girl on our hands and we're incredible lucky. Below is a snapshot of Izzy's eating habits...she likes to be double-fisted at all times. Hmmmm, perhaps this explains her muffin top?

That green stuff on her face would be organic green beans or maybe peas...I don't remember, actually, but I do know she loves her veggies.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Fireman or rainmaker? You decide.

There are multiple things that make Sam extremely happy...control of the water hose, however, is, by far, one of his greatest pleasures.

See...He DOES look like me!

After four years, Sam finally looks like me....I don't care if it's just in our profiles:

Tagger in Training

For a donation of $20, Sam had the opportunity to "draw" on the street during our local art fair. Nice, huh...

I'll admit, he did have a very good time making this drawing and we had a great time watching his diligence with it. Let's hope he understands drawing on the street is for special occassions only and only occurs when daddy hands over some cash to a vendor. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Stitchless Sam

This posting comes a week late but, now that I am a "woman of lesiure," I lose track of time. So, there. Last week, I took Sam to have his stitches taken out. My mom and grandma were up for a special visit and my mom thought it appropriate to put on this shirt for his visit to the doctor:
You read correctly...It reads "I do all my own stunts." Nana is really funny. In an attempt to prepare him for what he was about to experience, I tried to "psych" him up about getting his stitches out on this video:

Ok, so far so good, right? Wrong. Upon arrival to the doctor, this was his mood:

Although he was anti-stitch removal, they had to come out so we went in and Sam told Nurse Karen all about it:

Sam was very brave at first but he started to cry after a while. Here is a warning for parents: If you ever have to get stitches at a hospital, ask for the ones that dissolve. Sam's had to be pulled out all at once and very slowly. The only way he calmed down was by watching the procedure. Gross, I know. After all the torture was over, Sam was allowed to pick several prizes from the "You were poked" basket. Guess what he picked.....

Luckily, he didn't end up with a shiner like the last time he picked those windmills.

Monday, June 8, 2009

A Good Life

Izzy is probably the most relaxed child on this planet. I'm not sure how we managed to inherit such a child because Daddy and I are not good at relaxing. No, sir. Below are some shots of her just lounging while watching Sam play. She loves her big brother very much and watches his every move. I'm guessing she's taking notes....On another note, please enjoy her chubbiness. We don't call her "Meatball" for nothing!

Little Miss Independent

Apparently, she no longer needs her parents to feed her:

Evil Knievil Stunt #1 = 6 Stitches

Alas, the Marsh family has entered the world of emergency visits to the hospital.

Last night, during the Magic game (that's right...I said, "Magic", not "Loser Lakers"), Sam did his first stunt that landed him in the hospital with nothing less than 6 stitches to the lower lip. While I wasn't witness to the actual stunt, the THREE men in the living room think it went down something like this:

"Sam was standing on his red chair, slipped down and then hit the train table. I think."

Yup. That's it, folks. That's the story. Plain and simple.

I had the honor of taking him to the hospital. He was a trooper. Even when he felt pain, he was totally calm. He asked many questions and got to check out all the gadgets near his bed. I don't have any gory pictures but here he is, all stitched up:

On a final note, when we took him to school this morning, no one was surprised he had stitches. Apparently, Evil Knievel has made several appearances on the playground and has survived, unscathed.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Le Rockstar

FYI: Isabella now weighs 19.4 oz and is 27 inches long. She is above 95% in height, weight, and head circumference. She's a rockstar.

"Meatball" with Meatballs

This afternoon, Isabella and I decided to make meatballs for dinner. She was a wonderful assistant and kept me company. She held a spoon:

Took care of an egg...

Eyed the meatballs....

And posed with her dish that had to be cooked...

So, there you have it: Our meatball with her meatballs.

Pancake Breakfast with Firemen = Private Tour

Last Saturday, Papi took Sam to a pancake breakfast at our local firestation. In typical Sam fashion, he made himself at home with the crew:

He also commandeered this fireman into showing him everything on the firetruck. Lucky guy, that fireman.

Can I have some veggies with that?

About two weeks ago, we started Izzy B on some solid food. We started with rice cereal but have since moved on to peas, green beans, carrots, and sweet potatoes. Why only veggies? Well, it's mostly becasue it took us forever to get Sam on veggies because we started with fruit. Now that we're parenting "experts", we don't make the same mistakes twice. Although, I will admit that I gave her applesauce one time just to see what would happen and the child kept her mouth open the entire time. I don't even recall her breathing...just woofing it down like water. Anyhow, she loves it all. Below are her "first bites" and, let me tell you, she has been sleeping through the night ever since. I love food.

Here she is, looking a bit perplexed and probably wondering what the heck is going to happen:

Requisite "first bite" picture:

Asking for more:

All done...sorta: