Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Can I have some veggies with that?

About two weeks ago, we started Izzy B on some solid food. We started with rice cereal but have since moved on to peas, green beans, carrots, and sweet potatoes. Why only veggies? Well, it's mostly becasue it took us forever to get Sam on veggies because we started with fruit. Now that we're parenting "experts", we don't make the same mistakes twice. Although, I will admit that I gave her applesauce one time just to see what would happen and the child kept her mouth open the entire time. I don't even recall her breathing...just woofing it down like water. Anyhow, she loves it all. Below are her "first bites" and, let me tell you, she has been sleeping through the night ever since. I love food.

Here she is, looking a bit perplexed and probably wondering what the heck is going to happen:

Requisite "first bite" picture:

Asking for more:

All done...sorta:

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