Sunday, November 22, 2009

Roaming Buffalo Serves Up Stone Soup

At school on Friday, Sam, also known as Roaming Buffalo to his fellow natives in the classroom, cooked up some delicious soup. Every year, his school hosts a Stone Soup Luncheon. The kids sign up to bring an ingredient of their choice. They get to chop it up, mix it with other veggies, and serve the parents. In addition, they learn about native americans and get to pick a name for themselves. Sam selected "Roaming Buffalo." We found it very appropriate and his teacher told me the second I arrived to pick him up. She thought it was hilarious as well.

Here is Roaming Buffalo with his best pal, Ben (whose native name I do not know)...We also call them the Dynamic-Up-to-No-Good-Duo:

Here's Kim and Isabella, deep in conversation:

These are the wonderful ladies who deal with Sam's relentless questions...(L-R) Rosemary, Lisa, Mei, amd Lorena:

Sam loves Alexandra...she's hilarious:

Check out that placemat...we love our boy so much

The Soup

Roaming Buffalo with his official native headdress:

A family photo attempt....

On our way back home form the luncheon, there was a heavy storm and a serious accident. Sam held his hand out so Isabella would, as he stated, "Not be scared, Mami, because I'm her big brother and I'm supposed to protect her."

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