Friday, December 11, 2009

Operation: Anger Management

Sometimes, Sam has some serious boy anger. Or maybe its because he has two fiesty parents???? Either way, Sam, newly dubbed "Rocky," was sent home from preschool for "not using his words" (i.e. fists). As a result, we launched "Operation Anger Management." I'm thinking about staring programs around the nation because several of my friends with boys have expressed the need. I see dollar bills.

First, we started by writing some notes of apology. In typical Sam style, these are less of a note and more of a dramatization or re-enactment of the incident(s). If you click on the picture to make it larger, you'll notice that he:
(a) pushed Johnny and
(b) hit Tyson

Second, we talked about "consequences" for his behavior and he suggested we put his trains away. Alas, we bid them farewell and I told him that for every day that he was a good boy, he could pick one, if not two, trains at the end of the day. In addition, I would talk to Santa and let him know he was being a good boy. Below is where said trains are now resting:

Third, he decided he needed to work on packing stuff for his room in preparation for the move. He decided these "preparations" would consist of doing some box detailing so the movers would know it goes to his room. The boy is genius.

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