Monday, February 22, 2010

Nuggets 'O Wisdom (or...random thoughts from Sam that may or may not have some bearing on life)

Here is the first of a series of entries where I will attempt to capture Sam's thoughts on life and subject you, the blog reader, to his persistant chatter. These, for example, are all from this afternoon between the hours of 2:45-7:30pm.


1. It's not good to have a galloping case of the greedy gimmies.
2. I am your friend and you are mine.
3. I eat my fruits and vegetables because I am "Smart Flint Goldensword" and I don't want to get scurvy.
4. The girls play "girl jail" at school.....the try to catch you, put you in jail and kiss you but I run away 'cause they can't catch me. No way. I'm "Smart Flint Goldensword" and they can't catch pirates. Arrrrrr.
5. I think we should go to Starbucks, Mami, because the chocolate milk is better over there and Izzy can just wait until we're done.
6. Even when I'm frustrated or angry with you, Mami, I still love you and you can ride on my pirate ship...the good one.

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