Monday, August 30, 2010

The Golden Monkey Enters Kindergarten

It's official: Sam's preschool days are over as is the fat tuition check we would write every month for Montessori school. Cha ching! While both of those things are cause for celebration, I still cried a little bit today after I dropped Sam off in his Kindergarten classroom. He was totally so much.

Below are some snap shots of the morning:

With his best buddy showing off their backpacks-Bacich Elementary is safe now that Darth Vader is in check and the Transformers are present....

I love Sam's teacher, Mrs. Peters, for many reasons. Below is the first example-I thought that her sign was very sweet and thoughtful:

Our Golden Monkey with his favorite mommy:

Our golden monkey looking very happy....

When I picked him up from school, I asked Sam to tell me about his day. He responded with, "We played a lot." Upon opening his backpack, I was greeted by this little treasure:

I'm glad to know he was, indeed, happy.

And here is our sleeping monkey with his favorite doggy dreaming of his next day in Kindergarten...

Kindergarten-Day 1= Sweetness

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