Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Scotty's New Look

On January, 17, 2013, Brad gave Scotty his first haircut. We considered taking him to some cute, kid-friendly, excessively priced salon but since he's the third kid, Brad volunteered to do the job. Quite frankly, I think my husband possesses the same skill set as any other hairstylist that cuts children's hair. I mean....all they do is trim things. Anyhow, I digress. All in all, it was a very pleasant experience. Scotty was very cooperative and he didn't even try to wack the scissors out of Brad's hands.

This is what Izzy preoccupied herself with while Scotty got his haircut. She's working on her math skills by pretending to be a student at Sam's school and illegally using the license the school bought for its students population (that's just between us, mmmk?)

This is how we kept Scotty entertained....We distracted him with lots of little people in the house:

Scotty's "BEFORE" shot:

Scotty's "AFTER" shot with handsome side part action:

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