Thursday, September 17, 2009

Keeper of the Front Door

Now that Sam is one of the "oldest" kids in preschool, he has acquired his "big man on campus" status. As such, he's turned it up a notch in the "social butterfly" domain. Below are some pictures of him harassing our neighbors into conversation....It usually begins with something like the following:
Sam: Hey Neighbor or Hey _____________ (insert neighbor name)
Neighbor: Hey Sam! (This is done cheerfully because they all know him)
Sam: You know what?
Neighbor: What, Sam?
Sam: Well, let me tell you something.....(This is when Sam rambles on about something or other and our kind neighbors indulge him by asking pertinent questions).

Here is a picture of his typical "Hey Neighbor" stance:

This is his "high interest" stance...notice the body position as it attempts to get closer to the neighbor:

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