Monday, June 14, 2010

Cha Ching

Smart Flint Goldensword has been doing a lot of "growing up" lately. Not only did he recently graduate from preschool, he also lost his very first tooth. As luck would have it, our multi-tasking pirate lost his tooth the morning of his preschool graduation. His teachers were quick to:

a)not allow blood to get on his special collared shirt and
b)promptly put it in a receptacle that was worthy of this momentous occasion:

Once we arrived home, we wrote a letter to the tooth fairy with explicit directions:

Being the savvy woman that she is, the tooth fairy rewarded our son with 55 shiny new pennies. We're thinking she did this because Smart Flint Goldensword mentioned, in conversation to his mother, that the tooth fairy would probably bring him, "Fifty-five cents or something." That tooth fairy is one smart cookie.

While Smart Flint Goldensword was ecstatic about the tooth fairy's prize, others were not really happy about this new event. Notice the "stink eye" Izzy is giving her brother....

And this is what the graduate looked like moments after expelling his first tooth:

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