Thursday, June 30, 2011

3rd Annual Father's Day Hike

For Father's Day this year, the kids and I took Daddy on a hike. Again. To the same place as last year.

Original, I know.

We went up to the West Point Inn where they have an annual pancake breakfast and the local fire department makes an appearance. This year, the St. Clair crew joined in for the fun.

We'll begin with a candid shot of Daddy with his favorite children...

Next, we have the opffspring from both families climbing the world's largest log pile:

This next shot makes me think of Golding's book The Lord of the Flies

Fire truck shenanigans:

Marsh and St. Clair Family Photo Attempts (not pretty but captured, nonetheless):

And this is what Chloe looked like during the entire 2 mile hike back to our cars:

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