Sunday, June 5, 2011

"Boys Only" Weekend

This weekend, Sam accompanied Brad and some of his college buddies on a camping trip. Here's how I can tell a good time was had by all:

1. The smell on both father and son when they arrived home.
2. The amount of dirt in the shower.
3. The glassy-eyed look of total exhaustion on both of their faces.
4. The overall "we missed you guys" sentiment from both of them

And, my favorite...

5. The fact that both of them fell asleep at around 1:30 this afternoon and were sleeping as if it were 9pm.

Below are shots Brad sent me to make sure I knew they were alive and well.....

Despite the fact that adults were present who have more experience at all things fishing, Sam caught the first and the biggest trout of the day:

As reward for his expert fishing skills, he got to eat his fish as well as turn all the adults at the campsite into his man-servants. At any time, he could call on any one of them to bring him anything he desired.

I really hope Sam realizes that the right he earned only lasted until he left the campsite. It's gonna suck at home for him if he tries to apply that philosphy with me.

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