Friday, November 18, 2011

First Annual Raingutter Regatta Competition

Yesterday evening, Tiger Cub Scout Marsh had his first "Raingutter Regatta" Competition. He and his father had no idea what to expect. Despite this uncertainty, they worked hard on their boat, put on their game faces, and blew as hard as they possibly could into a straw.

Here's a glimpse of "The Competition":

The rules and regulations of the competition were simple:

1. Build your boat.
2. Blow in straw.

Sam's first competitior was a fellow tiger cub....He smoked him:

Tiger Cub Marsh then challenged a bear cub...He smoked him as well:

It went on and on like this throughout the evening. Tiger defeat? Check. Bear defeat? check. Wolf defeat? Check. There were two things Tiger Cub Marsh relied on:

#1: Technique-He blew in the same spot at the bottom of his mast...every...single...time:

#2: Intensity -No one was going to beat The Tiger:

Here are some of his fellow cub scout homies cheering him on:

AT the end of it all, there was a winner....

And a cute trophy to bring home....

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