Friday, November 18, 2011

Halloween Antics

This year's Halloween experience included a school parade, classroom antics, lots of candy loot, and fun costumes. Sam wanted to be a police officer this year and Izzy wanted to be Alice in WOnderland. I think they both pulled off their costumes really well....But first:

Kentfield's finest leading the parade through the neighborhood:

Sam and his 3rd grade buddy:

Room 3 costumes:

"Yes, this is Officer Marsh...Can I help you?":

The officer and the stormtrooper on pleasant terms:

As usual, we headed over to the Feehan home for some Halloween dinner and trick or treating.

The Trick 'O Treaters:

And this is the only shot you will see of me and my gigantic belly. If you're wondering why Brad is smiling so suspiciously its because:

a) he has two drinks he's taking with him when he walks the kids around the neightborhood and
b) he thinks its funny to use my belly as a resting spot for his beverage

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