Wednesday, April 11, 2012

World's Largest 4 month Old

We took Scotty in for his four month check up and our "little dude" weighs 17 pounds and measure3 27 3/4 inches. WTH?!?!?! Once I'm done providing breast milk for Scotty, I should seriously consider doing it full time for babies who need super-duper-amazing breast milk. Not only would I be able to eat as much as I want all day everyday, I'd also be the best humanitarian on the face of this planet. Hmmmm....

But I digress.

Here are a few things we've learned about him so far.....

1. He only cries when he's hungry. The rest of the time, he's a really happy boy.
2. He doesn't seem to mind when Sam picks him up and uses him as a human shield.
3. He likes it when Izzy sings to him.
4. His favorite thing to pull on is Izzy's hair.
5. He loves it when Izzy and Sam sing, dance, or otherwise entertain him with anything from Justin Beiber.
6. His favorite tickle spot is inside his armpit and right below his belly.
7. He's a chatterbox-especially when Sam is the one talking to him.
8. He could care less if there is poo in his diaper.
9. He loves to soak in the bath.

And, best of all, he's sleeping 8-9 hours a night with one wake-up for a feeding and then does another three or four hours. Boo-ya!!!! One of these days, I'm going to get that much sleep too.

Below are a few candid shots of our adorable little man:

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