Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Confessions of an Exhausted Mother

I'm usually much more on top of my game. However, in the past three days, I've had a series of unfortunate events occur.

I blame my children for these lackluster days and the sleep deprivation they have been causing me for the past two weeks.

Confession #1

Sam has Taekwondo practice on Monday and Wednesday from 4:45-5:30. It's a crappy hour for practice but there's nothing I can do about it. Since it's a crappy hour, I end up running around in circles to make everything happen. This past Monday was no different. The exception is that while I was making dinner, folding laundry, and giving Isabella a bath during the 45 minutes of practice, Scotty decided to crawl up to the tub, stand up and lunge himself into the tub with his sister. He completely fell in, head first. All I heard was a loud thump and then Izzy yelling, "Oh, hey, Mami....Scotty just jumped into the tub with me."

Confession #2

Scotty is crawling around and pulling himself up on everything. We usually keep all the doors closed in the house so that he doesn't go in somewhere and hurt himself. So far, he hasn't hurt himself. On Sunday, while I was making lunch, I noticed that it was oddly quiet. It's NEVER quiet in this house so I knew something was up. As I was walking around, I found Sam in his room. Izzy was in the living room and Brad was snoring on the couch. Scotty was nowhere to be found. A moment later, I walked into our master bathroom and found him standing up by the toilet, playing with the water. And by "water" I mean urine. No feces. Just urine and some mangled toilet paper. I promptly yelled at my children for (a) not closing the door and (b) not flushing the toilet. I am an awesome mother, I know.

Confession #3

I ate a piece of chocolate in my master closet while hiding from my kids because I DO NOT WANT TO SHARE.

I'm feeling so much better now that I've confessed (not that I was feeling guilty or anything...I mostly wanted to let God know that I felt kinda bad but not, you know, super guilty or anything like that because the LORD KNOWS MY KIDS TRY MY PATIENCE).

Additionally, I'm guessing there will be more by the time I go to mass on Sunday since since it's only Tuesday and I've had an eventful week so far.

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