Saturday, January 12, 2013

Halloween 2012!

I had grand plans for Halloween this year. I mean BIG! The most I accomplished, however, was buying some decorations and forcing lovingly asking Brad to place said decorations outside on our patio.

I don't have a picture of the decorations that he lovingly placed but, let me tell you, they were great.

Our annual Halloween excursion to the Feehan household began at 5pm with Linda's yummy chili. Brad and I were drinking by 5:01pm. For whatever reason, Halloween turns into a hectic event. I'm not sure why....maybe its because there's candy and costumes and, oh yeah, we have three kids now. I think the biggest culprit was the rain. And I'm not talking light rain. This rain was coming down hard, fast, and sideways. The kids didn't care one bit. I didn't care either because, well, since Scotty is a "baby" and all, I opted to stay at the house to hand out candy....Brilliant, I know.

There was an effort on my part to take a picture of all three kids in their costumes. Below is evidence of my failure but at least I tried.

Here's a picture of the four families that come together every year.

And here's my favorite picture of the evening where Brad ignores Scotty and decides to "photo bomb" the kid picture:

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