Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Stomach Flu Vomit Fest!!!

Note: No pictures are included in this post as a courtesy to my readers.

Since last Thursday, we've been dealing with vomit. It's been awesome. I mean, who doesn't want to wash sheets over and over again and then clean up puke day in and day out?

It's a mom's dream.

For reals.

It started with Scotty on Thursday around 11:45 pm. We thought it was a one shot gig.

Unfortunately, it spread. It got Rey and Mama on Friday, Izzy on Saturday night, Sam on Sunday morning and Abuelita on Sunday afternoon.

I'm on round 2 as I write this. Scotty threw up AGAIN around 5:30.

Ay Dios Mio.

I can only find comfort in the ice cream bars my mom left me because no one could eat them.

Woe is me.

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