Saturday, June 1, 2013

10 Year Anniversary-Same husband, same wife, three additional "little people"

May 16th marked ten years of marriage for Brad and I. We've been through a lot of things together, good and bad. Mostly, though, we've grown to love one another more with each passing year.

Oh, and we reproduced. A lot. We're pretty much done with that chapter in our lives. We're ready to move past that and by "move" I mean run so fast away from it, you're going to get whiplash.

We weren't sure what we were going to do or how we would celebrate. We knew we couldn't do a big trip. We knew we didn't have time to organize a big celebration with friends. We knew we were tired, sleep-deprived, and had too much on our plate already to do something grand. So, we opted for what we've grown accustomed to these past two years:

Simple and casual.

Sounds chic, right?

Well, it's really just a reflection of our ability to maximize our laziness while still managing to honor ourselves. Since we didn't get a chance to get married by the church ten years ago, we went ahead and did it on our anniversary. It was just our family priest, the kids, and an empty church.

It was fantastic.

And totally perfect.

And a reflection of Brad and I.

Below are the pictures taken by our photographer for the ceremony, Samuel Prescott Marsh. He's got a lot of talent and his perspective is awesome. I mean, who doesn't love seeing a four year old running up and down the aisle while her parents renew their wedding vows to each other? The shot of the baby boy is also quite awesome. He looks so happy despite being strapped tight into his stroller, eating some cheddar bunnies.

The "newly" married couple with their offspring:

As an added bonus, a flag was commemorated for the occasion. It hangs proudly on our tallest kitchen cabinet, just out of reach for the "little people" in our lives to admire but not destroy. We're total geniuses.

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