Saturday, June 1, 2013


Sam turned eight in April and this is what he learned and experienced this past year....

1. Life is not fair even if you play by the rules.

2. Sometimes, adults can be real pains in the buttocks.

3. Losing a friend can make you really sad but gaining a friend who has the same interests as you is priceless.

4. His little sister will defend him at all costs-even if it means yelling at their parents and telling them to go to their rooms or getting in an argument with a boy twice her size. She will fearlessly stand by his side.

5. You can make a really huge fire with a magnifying glass.

6. Persistance pays off, especially when you get rewarded for it.

7. Science is cool. Robotics stuff is even cooler.

8. Building something with your own hands and your own design is super-duper.

9. Sports are overrated. Survival skills are underrated and way more awesome than sports.

10. Growing up means more privileges.

11. Starting the car in the morning for your mom, being in control of the radio,and sitting in the front seat make every morning instantly better.

12. Walking home from school with your buddy is a fantastic feeling of independence.

13. Being a good friend is easy. Being a bad friend is also, well, pretty easy.

14. School is work sprinkled with fun.

15. Your family loves you, always and forever, no matter what "rough patch" you may be going through at the time.

It's been a big year for Sam. He's growing in so many ways. Some are real pleasures to experience and others I'd rather do without. He is, however, the awesomest 8-year old I know. Despite some serious stuff at school, he's been a total trooper. He possesses more resiliance, honesty, and love than most. He's also great at forgiveness, especially when I can't handle the kid load at the end of the day. He's a real gem of a young man and I'm very lucky to have him in my life.

We celebrated his birthday with his 6 favorite buddies and a family party with relatives. As usual, he had a blast. We also set up the bunk beds for him and his sister. We still have some decorating to do but, overall, those beds are a big hit!

Happy birthday, Sam! You fill our bucket!

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