Monday, April 26, 2010

The Birds and The Bees -Conversation 1

Smart Flint Goldensword was running around the house with just his underpants and the following conversation ensued with Daddy:

SFG: (Laughing while touching himself) Daddy, there are two balls in there.
Daddy: In your sac?
SFG: Yeah (laughing).
Daddy: All guys have two balls in there, buddy.
SFG: Ok. What are the balls for?
Daddy: Right now, they don't do much but when you get older, they'll make seeds.
SFG: What kinds of seeds? What do they grow?
Daddy: Seeds that will make babies.
SFG: (smiling) I can make babies inside of me?
Daddy: No. You have to give those seeds to a woman.
SFG: Like mommy?
Daddy: Well, yes, but you'll have to find someone different...someone you love....I love mommy and I gave her my seeds.
SFG: How do you get the seeds out?
Daddy: Ummm, that's complicated. I'll have to tell you about that when you're older.

Synopsis: We're in for it. For sure.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Nerd Alert: Nose In a Book

Lately, Little Miss Reader has gotten into the habit of yelling at me in the morning. It's not because she wants out of her, no, no. That would be normal. She will yell at me and sign the word "book" over and over until I bring her one. And I can't just give her any book. Her current favorite is "Mr. Brown Can Moo...Can You?" This is a big step given that her favorite book last week was "Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb."

It's not much different in the afternoon either.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Little Farm

I decided to take PCS over to a farm to be "one with nature." We took some lettuce and celery to feed the animals while we were there. We saw some interesting things at the farm. First off, we saw this lonely chick....never mind that she is of a different color:

Sam said that the chick was by itself because it had been behaving badly. I think he is speaking as a man of experience.

We moved on to the cows. I feel like each of these cows was kinda smirking at me thinking, "Go ahead, lady, take our picture. We're here all day."

We then transitioned over to the coup where this angry turkey dominated:

And these poor ducks came over to us after said turkey was "gobbling" at them:

We saw some lazy pigs.....

A rooster...

And a beautiful stream....

There was a tractor on the farm so, of course, we took a picture. We also watched one of the hired hands take dirt back and forth across the farm for almost half an hour.

As a result of watching the tractor, this is what he looked like at the farm and once we got home:

Birthday Agenda -Part 3: The Pirate Health Survey

Pirate Captain Samuel had his 5 year check-up on Tuesday. He loves going to see Dr. Meier and Nurse Karen mostly because he gets to pee in a cup. He thinks it's hilarious. Although I have no funny stories about it like last year, I will say that he was much more mature in his responses to Dr. Meier. For example:

Dr. M: Sam, what's your address?
PCS: I live out at sea...hahaha (he answered for real afterward)

Dr. M: What's your phone number?
PCS: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8,9,10

Dr. M: What are your hobbies? What do you enjoy doing most?
PCS: Nothing...Um, actually, I don't do anything because I'm Smart Flint Goldensword.

Here is a shot of him at least year's check up:

And here he is at a proud 44 in. and 44lbs.:

And here is our requisite blood pressure shot with Nurse Karen:

We also discovered that Pirate Captain Samuel, aka: Smart Flint Goldensword, has perfect vision. Apparently, Smart Flint Goldensword knew this all along because he let all the nurses know that he can spot bad guys from "super far away."

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Birthday Agenda-Part 2: A Sweet Ride

We got Mr. Big Stuff a big boy bike. The first video is of him riding around at his future school and the second one was when we surprised him with it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Birthday Agenda: Part 1-Wake Up Surprise and Fielding Phone Calls

Pirate Captain Samuel had quite a busy day on his birthday. As such, I, his wonderful first mate, have divided up the agenda so that you, the blog reader, can enjoy the fun-filled day.

We began the morning with a special surprise...balloons in his room. He loved it.

After some fun with the balloons, it was time for some rest and relaxation by the window. Izzy decided to join her elder brother in this moment of contemplation:

It was good that the birthday boy got some rest because shortly after the above picture was taken, he had to begin fielding phone calls. It was quite a busy morning....

Izzy thought the birthday boy might be parched so she brought him some water. She must have known his throat was dry:

Landlubber Party

Landlubber: (nautical) A pejorative term for someone unfamiliar with the sea or seamanship, especially a novice seaman.

We held a landlubber party for Pirate Captain Samuel (aka: Smart Flint Goldensword) and eight of his best pirate pals. In keeping with the pirate spirit, we followed some special pirate rules.

1. We signaled to all that only pirates were allowed to enter:

2. We decorated the house with festive pirate flair:

3. We hired Jeremy the Juggling Pirate for entertainment. He had to do his landlubber show inside the house instead of outside because of the rain. Apparently, Mother Nature thought it appropropriate to provide pirate weather and it rained like a sea storm in Marin but the we little pirates enjoyed it anyway....

4. We had a treasure map....

5. We made shields and swords out of balloons...Aarrrrrrrrr.....

6. We baked this pirate cake, complete with chocolate filling (just kidding):

7. We took the essential pirate family picture:

Some landlubbers are not prepared for landlubber parties...Here's is the oldest pirate in the house taking a nap:

And here is the youngest we little pirate with some pirate family members:

Pirate Captain Samuel had lots-o-loot and can't wait for his next birthday.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy Birthday, Pirate Captain Samuel!

We love you, Sam! Happy 5th Birthday!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Land Ho! Pirate Captain Drake Contacts Pirate Captain Samuel

Pirate Captain Drake came on land today to wish Pirate Captain Samuel a very happy birthday. He dressed up in his best suit and tie and ignored the teachers and administrators in his office working on scheduling. Pirate Captain Drake is awesome.

On a sidenote, I showed Sam this video in the car. He couldn't believe Pirate Captain Drake came on land to tell him happy birthday. He also couldn't believe Pirate Captain Drake gave him his very own hook. He took it everywhere with him today including Izzy's daycare and, yes, Baja Fresh. Below is said "hook" looking rather "hook-less":

Thank you, Pirate Captain Drake for coming on land!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010 Nuggets 'O Wisdom from Sam

Here is what we and several congregation members around us enjoyed during Easter Sunday mass:

"Where is God, Mami? I don't see him anywhere."

"You know what, Mami, Jesus had nails put in his hands. He had a hole but God shut it up."

"People just don't understand God."

"I don't think it's a good idea to give them all of your dollars, Daddy."

"Daddy, you should keep some of the dollars for yourself and then give them some."

"Can we go yet?"

Easter Photo Shoot

Easter was far more challenging this year than last year. For one thing, neither one of my children wanted to wear their Easter outfits. For another, they both possess some major attitude. On top of that, it rained cats and dogs. For this post, I've decided to take a trip down memory lane...

Izzy crying in 2009:

Izzy crying in 2010:

Izzy looking cute in 2009:

Izzy looking even in cuter in 2010:

Sibling shot in 2009:

Siblings getting along in 2010:

Sick of pictures in 2009:

Not so different in 2010:

And, lastly, big brother looking handsome in 2010: