Saturday, April 17, 2010

Birthday Agenda -Part 3: The Pirate Health Survey

Pirate Captain Samuel had his 5 year check-up on Tuesday. He loves going to see Dr. Meier and Nurse Karen mostly because he gets to pee in a cup. He thinks it's hilarious. Although I have no funny stories about it like last year, I will say that he was much more mature in his responses to Dr. Meier. For example:

Dr. M: Sam, what's your address?
PCS: I live out at sea...hahaha (he answered for real afterward)

Dr. M: What's your phone number?
PCS: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8,9,10

Dr. M: What are your hobbies? What do you enjoy doing most?
PCS: Nothing...Um, actually, I don't do anything because I'm Smart Flint Goldensword.

Here is a shot of him at least year's check up:

And here he is at a proud 44 in. and 44lbs.:

And here is our requisite blood pressure shot with Nurse Karen:

We also discovered that Pirate Captain Samuel, aka: Smart Flint Goldensword, has perfect vision. Apparently, Smart Flint Goldensword knew this all along because he let all the nurses know that he can spot bad guys from "super far away."

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