Monday, July 26, 2010

...Because My Genetic Contribution Matters When it Comes to Developmental Milestones

Our children may look EXACTLY like their father but, in my biased opinion, they are athletically and developmentally engineered like their mother. Smart Flint Goldensword had a series of developmental milestones that could only be the result of MY genetic contribution. Alas, I present to you the following milestones achieved in the past three days:

Milestone #1: Swimming status changes from Minnow(barely swimming) to Starfish (swim unassisted) in less than one week...see the evidence below:

Milestone #2: Smart Flint Goldensword lost yet another tooth and has about four loose ones in progress-I can hardly wait for his toothless Kindergarten school photo!

Milestone #3: Despite his love of the sea, Smart Flint Goldensword is now officially a bike rider sans training wheels...Lance Armstrong better watch out. I have no photo of this because he is so fast, the camera lens won't capture the image (never mind the fact that I forgot the camera when the moment occurred).

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