Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Mad Scientist

In an effort to kill some time before swim class introduce Smart Flint Goldensword to the subject area of Science in Kindergarten, we busted out his kit:

Izzy objected to said kit and made an "I object" face:

Despite her demeanor, we rallied on and proceeded forward with ten, yes, you read that right, ten experiments. While I'd love to tell you the details about EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE, I will spare you the minutia and stick to those that actually worked.

We began with a box 'o supplies...not pictured here are the milk, lotion, and soap from our failed attempts during our scientific experiment session. Please disregard the facial expression from Sam-he truly was excited about embarking on this adventure....

One of our initial experiments dealt with dissolving color tablets in test tubes. We were supposed to be in "awe" of the bubbles that would form as it dissolved.

I know you're "awed" right now-I can feel it.

The next step was to explore the variation of colors achieved by holding the tubes to the light and combining them. Again, be forewarned of the "aweness" you will experience:

The experiment action went into high speed when we pulled out "the dish"-Sam, the Mad Scientist, was encouraged to combine the colors red, blue and yellow to see what he would get.....

Our next experiment included dropping a colored tab in water and "observing" its change.....Step 1:

Step 2: Sam thought this one was awesome.....

His favorite, however, was when we placed crystals into the dish we pictured above and it turned into this about one hour later:

Who knew crystals could grow like that? Not I, that's for sure....

Next up: volcanoes

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