Monday, July 19, 2010

Never Let Your Kid Talk to Strangers

We were at our local Baja Fresh for lunch today and the following conversation ensued with a stranger getting his soda at the drink fountain:

Sam: Hey Mister! You have eyes on the back of your head!
Stranger: What?
Sam: Yeah- you have eyes on the back of your head.
Stranger: you mean my sunglasses? The ones resting right here (points to back of neck)
Sam: Yeah...yeah...that's what I mean but you know what?
Stranger: What?
Sam: Daddy and Mommy say that they have eyes in the back of their heads too and they are not sunglasses like yours.
Stranger: (laughing) Really? Well, that's interesting.
Sam: Yeah. I know and Mommy's works really good-so do Daddy's but Daddy's are bigger than mommy's but mommy's are better...Right, Mami?

At this point, all the patrons around us are laughing and the stranger (thankfully) says farewell. As he was walking away, Sam noticed he had a number ten on his back and yelled:

"Hey, you're a ten, right?"

And the stranger's reply: "I sure am...."

It's too bad Sam hasn't caught on to his own sense of humor but I'm sure it will happen soon.

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